Discover Nicaragua: Your Ultimate Guide to Retirement Between the Pacific and Caribbean

Welcome to “Retirement Stories: Living the Dream,” where we journey through the vibrant landscapes and rich tapestry of life in Nicaragua. Picture this: the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean, casting a golden hue on the tranquil beaches, while the rhythmic sound of waves serenades your senses. This is just the beginning of our adventure.

Nicaragua, a land where the Pacific meets the Caribbean in a symphony of blue, is a haven for those seeking a retirement filled with both relaxation and excitement. Imagine waking up to the call of exotic birds, the scent of fresh coffee grown in the volcanic soil wafting through the air. Here, the volcanic mountains stand as silent guardians over pristine lakes, offering breathtaking vistas and endless opportunities for exploration.

We’ll wander through the cobblestone streets of historical cities, where colonial architecture whispers tales of a bygone era. Each corner turned reveals a new story, a new adventure, from the bustling markets of Granada to the serene beauty of Lake Nicaragua.

Join us as we dive into the heart of this Central American gem, uncovering the secrets of living the dream between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean. Whether it’s the thrill of a volcanic hike, the tranquility of a lakeside retreat, or the vibrant culture of its cities, Nicaragua promises a retirement like no other. This is more than a destination; it’s a lifestyle, a story waiting to be told.

So, pack your bags, and let’s embark on this unforgettable journey together. Welcome to “Retirement Stories: Living the Dream in Nicaragua.”

Four Famous Descriptions of Ometepe's Beauty

The beauty and splendor of the island of Ometepe have been admired by everyone who has visited and enjoyed its landscapes. The Discovery Channel recently named Ometepe as the winner of its search for the most beautiful island in Latin America. It competed against the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Chiloe Island in Chile, and Roatan Island in Honduras, among others.
Ometepe has always known how to woo visitors with its beauty. In 1867, American journalist Mark Twain, who is considered to be the first tourism promotor of Nicaragua, succumbed to its beauty. That same year, German geologist Karl von Seebach was also captivated by the grandeur of the twin mountains. Even filibuster William Walker thought the island was an enchanting sight. Another person who is enamoured with this island is journalist and former minister of tourism, Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, who has dedicated his talent to highlighting the island


Experience the Authentic Flavors of Nicaragua

Nicaragua is more than just a stunning landscape and a relaxing retirement destination; it is also a culinary paradise that will awaken your taste buds. The local cuisine is a blend of indigenous, Spanish, and African influences, creating a unique flavor profile that is both delicious and authentic. From street food to high-end restaurants, Nicaragua’s cuisine has something to offer for everyone. Try the traditional dish of Gallo Pinto, a mix of rice and beans that is a staple in Nicaragua, or indulge in some mouth-watering grilled seafood by the Caribbean Sea. Don’t forget to try the coffee, as Nicaragua is renowned for producing some of the best coffee in the world. Join us in exploring the flavors of Nicaragua and savoring the world with Chef Gert Rausch. Book your culinary adventure now and experience the true flavors of Nicaragua!

Four Famous Descriptions of Ometepe's Beauty

The beauty and splendor of the island of Ometepe have been admired by everyone who has visited and enjoyed its landscapes. The Discovery Channel recently named Ometepe as the winner of its search for the most beautiful island in Latin America. It competed against the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Chiloe Island in Chile, and Roatan Island in Honduras, among others.
Ometepe has always known how to woo visitors with its beauty. In 1867, American journalist Mark Twain, who is considered to be the first tourism promotor of Nicaragua, succumbed to its beauty. That same year, German geologist Karl von Seebach was also captivated by the grandeur of the twin mountains. Even filibuster William Walker thought the island was an enchanting sight. Another person who is enamoured with this island is journalist and former minister of tourism, Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, who has dedicated his talent to highlighting the island





By Mark Twain (written 1867 and known until 1940)
By Pedro J. Chamorro B. *(poetic imagery from the author)
By William Walker prior to the assault to the City of Rivas 1856
By Karl von Seebach, January 13th, 1867 when he saw the Island of Ometepe

“Out of the midst of beautiful Lake Nicaragua, spring two magnificent pyramids, clad in the softest and richest green, all flecked with shadow and and sunshine, whose summits pierce de billowy clouds. They look so isolated from the world and its turmoil so tranquil , so dreamy, so steeped in the slumber and eternal repose, what a home one might make among their shady forest, their sunny slopes, their breezy dells, after he had grown weary of the toil , anxiety and unrest of the bustling driving world” From: Mark Twain Travels with Mr. Brown, published in 1940. Excerpt from Letter V. New Year’s Day, 1867: The twin peaks.

“When the Lord had created the world and was distributing natural attractions to the five continents, he had destined the most beautiful island to the archipelago of six large and heavenly islands in the Pacific Ocean, currently known as Hawaii. There was Ometepe headed to its place amid the islands of Oahu, Maui, Kaui, Molokai, Lanai and the largest of all, the island of Hawaii. But before placing Ometepe in Hawaii, in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean, the Lord reflected and said that it would not be fair to place Ometepe among six such beautiful islands so far from the continents. It would be better to place it in the middle of a fresh water sea. It will be a place, said the Lord, where people can appreciate its incomparable beauty more easily and where those who visit its beautiful shores can gaze into the horizon from a fresh water sea, whose water they will not have to hurry out of with reddened eyes in search of the closest shower to wash away the salt. So, the Creator decided to search the world for the ideal location one that met these characteristics – where He could place the Island of Ometepe, until He found Lake Cocibolca (Lake Nicaragua), which He had created without Ometepe, and placed it there, a beautiful island shaped like a figure eight with twin mountains.”

“As the advance guard reached a turn in the road it seemed to halt for a moment, involuntary, and though the order was to march in silence an exclamation of surprise and pleasure escaped the lips of all. Mendez, the red streamer flying from the lance which rested on his stirrup, was with the advance and uttered the single word “Ometepe”. To his eye the scene was familiar, but to the Americans it appeared a vision of enchantment.” “The Lake of Nicaragua laid in full view, and rising from it, as a Venus from the sea, was the tall and graceful cone of Ometepe. The dark forest of the tropics clothed the side of the volcano, which seemed to repose under the influence of the soft sunshine around it.” “The form of the mountain told its history as if written in a book; and the appearance of the volcano was so much that of a person enjoying a siesta, the beholder would not have been surprised to see it waken at any moment and throw lava from its burning sides. The first glimpse of the scene almost made the pulse standstill; and the Falange had scarcely recovered from its effects when the command was halted opposite a country house a few hundred yards from Rivas, in order to prepare for the attack on the town.” *Written by William Walker, an American filibuster that in 1854 proclaimed himself president of Nicaragua after capturing the City of Granada during a bloody civil war. Except from the book, “The War in Nicaragua”, S.H. Goetzel & CO. New York, 1860.

“After having spent several days making it through the jungles of the River Sapoa and its affluent, the Rio Las Vueltas, suddenly, a loud slash was hear through the forest that repeated at regular intervals: the sea, my lord, the sea, shouted with exhaliation my servant, as he witness that our arduous journey through the tropical jungle had come to an end. Just a few meters ahead, the forest ended abruptly and we found ourselves on the shores of Lake Nicaragua…a dream of my infancy had come true!” “Exactly in front of our eyes, within the blueish waves, that under the force of the NE winds break under our feet, raises the Ometepec, the Twin Peaks. The grandiose of the scenery, that shows up so unexpectedly, is indescribable. In order to be able to fully appreciate it, one must personally witness how these two cones, with their perfect slopes, raise from the lake, like giant pyramids that keep over their peaks the reddish clouds of the setting sun. No words, nor drawings, can ever describe this marvelous spectacle of nature.” A famous German geologist on a trip to Nicaragua in the XIX century studying the Central American Volcanic chain.

Visit Nicaragua it's fashionable!

More and more Nicaragua is being recommended by travellers, tourists and international specialty magazines that name the country as one of the most important destinations to visit. This year, American online newspaper, the Huffington Post, highlights tourism in Nicaragua and positions it as the new destination in Central America. In its article, Huffington Post outlined 13 reasons for visiting Nicaragua and called the city of Granada the “Paris of Central America”. “It’s tropical, with both rich history and exotic Latin culture that awakens your spicy side upon arrival”, says to the article, which also refers to the oldest cities, nature, volcanoes, islands and beaches…


Time Money recommends Nicaragua as a destination to visit in 2018, and it also highlights Granada as a destination that is ideal for visiting plazas, streets, churches and its 365 islets, where visitors can kayak and see monkeys and a variety of birds. A couple of miles to the west, Apoyo Lagoon is another place to visit: its turquoise waters and relaxing cabins offer a “splendid natural respite”. The publication adds that “More adventurous travellers should climb Mombacho Volcano, 4,600 feet high, as well as visit the coffee plantations, walking trails, springs”, Time Money’s proposal for travelling during the 12 months of 2018 also included other exotic destinations like: like: Singapore, Georgia, Spain, South Korea, Great Britain, Xi’an (China), Mexico, Roma (Italy) and Tokyo, (Japan). The publication also recommended a series of places in the United States with something to offer, including Virginia, Michigan, Nevada, Florida, Chicago (Illinois), California and New York. FORBES 3 Its article entitled “The 10 Coolest Cities Around the World to Visit in 2018” highlights the city of Leon, Nicaragua. Forbes says that “Only an hour from the Managua airport, the colonial city of Leon is a gorgeous vantage to soak up the natural assets of the country. More off the tourist trail than Granada, it offers a more authentic city experience.” It recommends seeing Leon on foot, as most of its charm can be found in the narrow colonial streets, art galleries, museums, restaurants and architecture. It recommends not forgetting to climb the smoking volcanoes where the exciting experience of sandboarding is available. The other nine cities recommended by Forbes include: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Nagasaki, Japan; Puebla, Mexico; Malacca, Malaysia; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Arequipa, Peru; Cairo, Egypt; Brazzaville, Congo; Medellin, Colombia.


The Boston Globe, also from the United States, published that Nicaragua is the best destination in Central America. “Forget Costa Rica – old news. Industry experts are calling Nicaragua the hottest destination in Central America”.

Discover the Fascinating Culture of Nicaragua

Nicaragua is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, which blends indigenous, Spanish, and African influences. From the colorful colonial architecture of Granada to the vibrant street art scene of Managua, Nicaragua is a hub of creativity and expression. Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting the bustling markets, where you can find everything from traditional handicrafts to freshly roasted coffee. Take a dance class and learn the rhythm of traditional Nicaraguan music, or indulge in some delicious street food and taste the flavors of Nicaragua. With a friendly and welcoming local community, you’ll feel right at home as you explore the heart of this Central American gem. Join us as we discover the lively and vibrant culture of Nicaragua, and create unforgettable memories along the way. Book your adventure now and let Chef Gert Rausch guide you through the colorful world of Nicaraguan culture.

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The new Nicaraguan cuisine, find recipes in my book

The New Nicaraguan Cuisine

Having fun time with friends in Nicaragua